Meaningful Design
I recently created an Illustration to support Kiran Armanasco’s article on her journey with circus sports and her body image.
As designers we face the dilemma of morals and ethics through our careers. I’ve previously worked for a defence weapons company - the word defence makes it seem like a good thing doesn’t it? But how often are they defence rather than attack?
These are things we have to consider. So when the opportunity came along to do a digital illustration for SickLove zine I grabbed the opportunity. Creating an illustration for Kiran’s article made me feel strong and fuelled my creativity, I believe in her message and was happy I got to be a part of it in any way.
I used iconography to represent the messages in the article, I didn’t want to replicate exactly what Kiran wrote, rather compliment and simplify it to draw you in.
The design was originally created for A5 print.
You can view the article at Sick Love.